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Sie sind auf der Suche nach einer hochqualifizierten Arbeit im Wallis ?

Sie sind auf der Suche nach hochqualifizierten Mitarbeitern (Universität, ETH, FH, HF, Eidg. Fachausweis, usw.) für Ihr Unternehmen im Wallis ?

VSlink das sind:
- 735 Unternehmen
- 6393 Hochqualifizierte Kandidaten
Sie sind hier > Stellenbörse > Market Microstructure Analyst
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Working at the intersection of finance, mathematics and technology, Oryctérope creates, develops and improves proprietary trading strategies for group companies, to capture opportunities and manage risk in the most competitive financial markets around the world. We strongly believe that superior results can be achieved by working as a team rather than individually, and constantly strive to prove our point.

As the European servicing hub of the internationally renowned TransMarket Group, we don’t just believe that building exceptional teams will lead to success: TMG has a 40+ year track record of doing so. Our collaborative, entrepreneurial environment gives each talent day 1 responsibilities, supporting continuous growth through practical experience and structured training programs.

We develop our edge through expertise, quantitative research, algorithms, and infrastructure to produce systematic trading solutions which beat the market and contribute significant liquidity across global markets facilitating price discovery and risk transfer.

If you have what it takes, get in touch.

Market Microstructure Analyst

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Gültigkeit des Angebots 31.05.2024
Referenznummer 115697
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Baugewerbe, Ingenieurwesen Engineering
Dienstleistungen Finanzen
Arbeitsort Unterwallis
Art der Arbeitsstelle Festanstellung