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Vous êtes ici > Bourse des emplois > Computer Scientist / Data Scientist (80%-100%) working in the field of Adaptive Instructional Design
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The Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS), offers business Bachelor-, Master- as well as continuing education courses according to the blended learning method.

Since autumn 2016, she has been running the UNESCO Chair on Personalized and Adaptive Distance Education located in Brig (Switzerland). Its research group develops technology-based learning designs and investigates relationships the connections to their implementation in Switzerland and on the African continent.

To strengthen the team we are looking for a new member at our location in Brig from September or by mutual agreement:

Computer Scientist / Data Scientist (80%-100%) working in the field of Adaptive Instructional Design

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Validité de l'offre 30.06.2020
No référence 108299
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Sciences de la vie, technologies Informatique, télécommunication
Emploi, formation Formation
Région de travail Haut-Valais
Type d'emploi Emploi fixe